or the seventh edition of the Anne Maurer-Cecchini Award, we received 16 submissions of high value. We decided to attribute the 2022 Award to an important research study that concerns human infection by the intestinal parasite Trichuris trichiura :

This study demonstrates the superiority of co-administered ivermectin-albendazole over albendazole monotherapy in three distinct epidemiological settings. (see publication)
The price money will help to better understand the different results observed in Côte d'Ivoire.


e received 18 submissions for the 2020 award. All were interesting and the choice was difficult. We decided to attribute the 2020 award to a research study on rabies, an always lethal but preventable illness :

Tineke Cantaert et al. of the Pasteur Institut in Cambodge : for their article entitled :
A 1-week intradermal dose-sparing regimen for rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (RESIST-2): an observational cohort study.

This study shows that a post-exposure vaccination schedule made of 3 injections over 7 days is as efficacious and more practical than the classic 4-injections schedule over 28 days.


e received this year 17 applications of high quality. For this resaon, we decided to attribute two awards of CHF 20'000.- each to:

The awards had been delivered during the closing session of the Geneva Health Forum April 12, 2018. See video from Prof HH Garcia  here .


his year, we received 17 inscriptions to the Anne Maurer-Cecchini 2016 Award, all covering interesting researches in a great variety of domains. After a difficult choice, we are proud to attribute the 20'000 CHF prize to an outstanding epidemiologic study on lymphatic filariasis in Sri Lanka :

 Dr Ramakrishna U. Rao, Gary J. Weil et al, de la Washington University Scool of Medicine, St Louis; Missouri, USA :
A Comprehensive Assessment of Lymphatic Filariasis in Sri Lanks Six Years after Cessation of Mass Drug Administration. (see publication)

The award was delivered during the closing session of the Geneva Health Forum April 21, 2016. See the video the authors sent for projection during the ceremony.

    The prize money will be used for future studies in Sri Lanka.


s usual, we received in 2014 number of inscriptions for the Anne Maurer-Cecchini Award, covering interesting researches. After a difficult choice, we are proud to attribute the 20'000 CHF prize to an outstanding research touching diagnostic that will certainly play an important part in the fight against the African Tripanosomiase :

The award was delivered during the closing session of the Geneva Health Forum April 17, 2014.


e received this year 13 inscriptions to the award Anne Maurer-Cecchini recovering research of great interest.
Finally, the 2012 award of 20'000 chf has been attributed to:

to help them in their project for the eradication of yaws.

The award was delivered during the closing session of the Geneva Health Forum april 20, 2012. You can watch here the video message of Dr Oriol Mitja projected at these occasion.

We want to thanks the scientific comitee, reinforced this year by Dr Pierre Buffet of the hospital de la Pitié Salpêtrière in Paris, for having analysed the submitted researches.


e received 22 inscriptions to the award Anne Maurer-Cecchini recovering research of great interest.
We decided to reward 2 excellent studies by attributing 2 prices of 15'000 CHF each to:

The awards has been attributed during the closing session of the Geneva Health Forum, April 21, 2010.